"It ain't braggin' if you can do it." ~Muhammad Ali~

Friday, June 13, 2008

Losing Weight/Muscle Size and Still Stronger

I guess I'm living proof that you can lose a good amount of weight and muscle size while still getting stronger. The US lifting phylosiphy likes to have its athletes gain weight and muscle mass to get much stronger while the best lifters in the world, the easter block European countries, like to see their athletes get much stronger around a weight they easily maintain.
Since January I have lost 15 to 20 lbs. because of an intestinal problem. Regardless my WODs have continued to get better, but what's strange is my strength is continuing to go up as you will see in my training log. I'm very happy about this because I have no choice right now in losing all that weight. It was very important for my health that I cleaned up my diet and it is very simple now, consisting mostly of fruits and vegetables. I miss meat and whole grains :( Oh well. Another great example of this kind of diet not affecting strength gains is Brent Miffit, our resident kettle bell coach. He follows a strict raw diet and not only has his strength gone up with very consistant training, but his body weight has gone up 15- 20 lbs. That's without one bit of animal protein....

Training Log

5x3 Back Squat
265# felt strong. My last back squat 5x3 was at 255# on June 2nd when I was about 7-8 lbs heavier. Also great job to Brent and Dawn who both progressed in weight and reps today with there back squats and looked damn good doing so.

Tabata Row (damper on 5)
total distance 1007m
cool thing was I got this distance without pushing to hard. Nice, easy, looong pulls. Hadn't rowed in months so I didn't feel much like tackling the machine.

Tabata pushups
18, 12, 7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7.... score 7, total reps 73

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