"It ain't braggin' if you can do it." ~Muhammad Ali~

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just a Training Log entry today. I'm a busy guy as of late. Ps I love this hot freakin' weather!

From now on I'm going to try and get more videos and pictures of members in class like the last post. No one is safe, and no one can hide from the camera so keep that form looking good and bust ass like you usually do. All I have to do is remember my camera.

Training Log
Tuesday 7/8/08

400m run
21 kb swings 53#
21 thrusters 95#
21 pullups
400m run
15 kb swings
15 thrusters
15 pullups
400m run
9 kb swings
9 thrusters
9 pullups

Wednesday 7/9/08
thanks to Brent for making this one up

5 Rounds
5 front squats at 155#, I did 185# cause I wanted to do a 5x5 front squat today
5 muscle ups with 2 extra dips per muscle up (great f'n idea Brent! Yah PRICK!!)
5 kb jerks L/R 72#
should have done more weight on my front squats 205#?
so right after the workout I loaded more on and did:
5 reps at 205#
5 reps at 225#
5 reps at 245#(struggled big time for rep number 5)
3 mins rest between sets

glad I didn't do the math before the workout, but all in all it wound up being 25 muscle ups with 50 extra dips(plus I got over-ambitious in the 3rd round and wound up doing two extra muscle ups and 1 extra dip because I failed to complete the full rep of one muscle up immediately followed by two dips, on two separate occasions), and 50 kb jerks on top of the 25 front squats not counting my extra sets. We are stupid! But it feels good, haha.

Also for at least a week now I have been doing anywhere between 100-200 pushups a day, as they are a glaring weakness in my body weight movements, when it comes to high reps. Form isn't the issue it's the strength endurance. So lots of good reps everyday to try and fix that. So far it seems to be working.

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