Last Friday May 23 I'm pretty sure I saw my Mom do her best workout to date. She has been working with me three days a week since March of '07. She has accomplished things that neither her or I thought she would be able to do when we started. Actually to be perfectly honest I thought overtime she would make some good progress and get some movements down pretty good, but not like this and not as fast as she did. Of course I'm harder on her than I am on anyone else. She doesn't mind. I don't allow her to be afraid of attempting the things that I ask her to do. She has certainly proven to be quite the trooper and is a thousand times more athletic at 54 than she has ever been at any pointin her life. I am very proud of her especially seeing where she started. She worked hard from the very start and works harder and harder everytime she's in the door. She rarely wants to be done. She'll often tell me after a workout that she is going to run a 400 and I just tell her "ok, go for it" looking at her like why on earth would you want to go for a run after what you just did. She comes back after more time than it would take to do a 400 and tells me "I decided to do an 800 instead." She is sick like the rest of us crossfitters there is no doubt. Many of you have been seeing her on Sundays in class recently and she will be heading to more classes throughout the weeks and seeing me a little bit less. I'm letting out the reigns a bit. Look out for Rita D, she's on the loose.

Just thought I would throw this picture in there. This is Brian Mackenzie's CrossFit Newport Beach shirt. I like it alot.
1 comment:
I am very excited I will be seeing her at my 9am on Monday...she is not my Mom but I am proud of her too. I have been around for many of her sessions since she started and am amazed with her progress and impressed with the fire she has inside her.
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