Don't worry, as you watch this video, feel free to make fun. We don't take ourselves as serious as it may seem.
Achieving the Muscle-up from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.
I hung around after the filming to visit with Neal Thompson, owner of Crossfit Boston, and Eva Claire Synkowski an, instructor at Crossfit Boston.
Neal is a big dude.
E.C. is a tall chick.
I nabbed this article from Crossfit Boston. It was posted a couple days ago.
Diet/Nutrition Myths: Eggs, Egg Whites, HighCholesterol, and A Healthy Diet
Don't Be A Victim of the Two Greatest Egg Lies Ever Told
By EMohrman, published Jun 19, 2007
In the vastly spanning arena of publicly-circulated diet, health, and nutrition myths, eggs really--sorry, I can't
resist--take a beating. People believe eggs are an unhealthy diet choice, that eggs will give them high cholesterol, ultimately that eggs should be drastically limited in or omitted from a healthy diet. None of this is true, yet most people unhesitatingly repeat such nutrition misinformation. It's classic rumor-mill syndrome, and it penetrates all areas of diet, health, and nutrition information. Don't believe me? Certainly the greatest example is the mass delusion that Vitamin C will help with a cold. That was an unfounded conjecture--rejected from the beginning by the medical and nutrition communities--made 40 years ago by chemist Linus Pauling. Despite two Nobel Prizes (Chemistry and Peace), he has always been considered, in academic circles, a nutrition quack. His Vitamin C claim has yet to be supported by any evidence, and has actually been refuted by many tests. Pauling also said a large quantity of Vitamin C in the diet has profound benefits for preventing and treating cancer. Ironically, despite his and his wife's long-term heavy regimen, she died of stomach cancer and he of prostate cancer that metastasized to his liver. Yes, nutrition lies lead amazing lives.
read full article.
I eat eggs for breakfast, on average, 5 days a week. What can I say, I like eggs.
PS- This picture was not staged, it's how my eggs fell in the pan this morning, and the yoke on the bottom just so happened to break. It made me laugh when I saw it.

My brother in law showed me this video on youtube yesturday. It's a guy imitating batting stances of Red Sox players over the years. Some of these are real funny and they are all pretty much right on.
Training Log
Wednesday 5/8/08
10 kb jerks L, 2pood (70#)
10 kb jerks R, 2pood
rest 1 min
7 kb jerks L, 2pood
7 kb jerks R, 2pood
rest 1 min
4 kb jerks L, 2pood
4 kb jerks R, 2pood
6 consecutive muscle ups (4 strict)
rest 2 mins
4 consecutive muscle ups (2 strict)
rest 2 mins
3 consecutive muscle ups (1 strict)
rest 2 mins
3 consecutive muscle ups (all kip)
rest 1 min
2 consecutive muscle ups (kip)
arms were pretty smoked!
1 comment:
Nice eggs!
: )
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