Sumo Deadlift High Pulls from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.
Training Log
Sunday 6/15/08
(NSC WOD)4Rounds
15 db clean thrusters 35#
15 mule kicks
15 pushups
Tuesday 6/17/08
3x5 deadlift
1x5 385# (good weight for 3 reps not 5. definite rounding of my lower back on reps 4 and 5)
2x5 365# (definitely better, but not great)
thrusters 95#
4:22 first time I didn't pr fran, should not have gone heavy on my deads. oh well, she still wooped me good! I hate her so much!!
I saw there were many NSC members who pr'd on Fran. I'm very excited for you, impressed and proud of your commitment to your training. That is what it takes, it is what works. Can't stop, don't stop!
p.s. I was curious and weighed myself after I sweat out all that water during fran. 156#! If you hear my voice one of these days and don't see me, don't be alarmed, I've just withered away. But I will be strong, body and mind. No worries!
Quick Note: I could write all day about this experience, but I will try to keep it short and sweet. I had the incredible opportunity to go to Game 6 of the NBA Finals and watch the Celtics crush the Lakers and celebrate in the Garden. Apparently Kurt Frampton is the absolute man, as if we had any reason to believe otherwise, but he stumbled upon some extra tickets and he invited me to share in this experience. This all happened the day of the game. Very cool! I'm still not sure why I was so lucky to be invited, but man did I love it and absolutely appreciate it. There is one thing I've wanted to see since this season began and the C's stood up to all the hype. Paul Pierce with that NBA Championship trophy. That dude has been through alot in his young life and has stuck with the Celtics through thick and thin. I loved seeing him grab that Finals MVP award too. So as this gets less short, but I hope just as sweet, I want to extend another huge, wicked appreciative thank you to Kurt for taking me to the game and congratulations to the entire Celtics organization and alumni. They say its for us the fans, but in my opinion, screw us, they're the ones who work so hard from a young age to be the best. The victory is so sweet for them and a life long goal, I'm just thankful they let us watch the drama.

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