"It ain't braggin' if you can do it." ~Muhammad Ali~

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lesson Learned

Update on my hip: I learned my lesson very quickly. I have a very tight hip(already new that). But as I was going through the pain on Wednesday and Thursday, I listened to my intuition that where I was feeling the pain probably wasn't the route of the problem, as is the case with most every symptom we experience. So if the pain was felt in the adduction of my hip, then I had to look at the issue in the abducting muscles of my hip. Like I said I know it's tight, but good god when I laid on my Trigger Point "Quadballer," as it's called, what a great pain that was, that went all the way down my leg. After about 10 minutes of rolling into my glutes and all the way around to the front of my him flexor(the side of my hip being most painful on the roller), I stood up and started testing the movement of my leg. I had far more range of motion before I felt the pain I had earlier, and the pain was much less. So I did more rolling throughout the day and by the end of the day Thursday, I had no pain at all. What a nice miracle that was. The best thing I did was never got down or felt like I was going to experience any setbacks with the injury. Injuries are part of any athletes life. I just figured it happened for a reason and some good had to come from it. I'm rolling everyday now to prevent this from happening again, as I know I'm not out of the woods yet, I need a more balanced and flexible hip, actually both hips. Most important though, in learning more about my body, I can better serve others in sharing the knowledge I confirmed through my experience. I hope you all had a great weekend. Next week I'll try to have posts that have nothing to do with me ;) But I hope any of this was of some help to you. Even if it just gets you rolling and stretching more, as these are important and often neglected aspects of our training. Let me be your example of what happens when we avoid areas of weakness, but also what happens when we maintain a healthy focus on the bigger picture during times of misfortune. Basically, we create our own fortune with a healthy mental attitude.

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