Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Testimonial from a 61 year old man/ aka Tommy D/ aka my Dad
It is almost 2 years ago that I decided at age 59 that it was time again for me to get myself into good physical condition. I had experienced some lower back problems from moving furniture several years ago and it essentially disabled me enough that I stopped working out and playing sports. I finally found a good chiropractor and he got my back problem corrected and now it was time to get back into shape.
I was looking for a personal trainer that could ease me back into shape with out my hurting myself and David Picardy at North Shore CrossFit was exactly what I was looking for in a coach.
It was perfect! The CrossFit concept got my strength, cardio, and reflexes back into "playing" shape..even at my age!
I lost some weight while adding muscle size and tone to my body. I worked out about 3 to 4 times a week. The beauty is I never got bored, it took only an hour for an intense workout, and the coaching was superb. It taught me things that I never learned in the gyms with cables and machines. My biceps are bigger and I haven't done a single curl in 2 years! Total body workouts! Period!
I'm now 61 and I am stronger and in better shape then I have been in over 10 years. My cholesterol count went from 205 to 165 and my ratio is now 3.7. My blood pressure is 115 over 70 and my last heart rate count was 50! All good stuff. No medication either.
And lastly, the camaraderie that I enjoy at CrossFit during these workouts with other members helps to inspire me to get even more enjoyment out of pushing myself to the max!
If your my age, then you too remember this is how we use to work out. You know, before the fitness industry went into machines and glorified "look at me" gyms.
I guarantee that you will move better and feel better then you have felt in years.
Training Log
Wednesday 8/20/08
ran 3.3 miles 25 mins
I did this same run back in March of 2007 in about 34 mins. I've done more than 1 mile once since then and that was only 2 miles. CrossFit works! And I did my best to POSE while running and I maintained a pretty good pace the whole way.
Overhead Squats- haven't done these in over a month.
10 reps at 45#
5 reps at 95#
5 reps at 125#
5 reps at 135#
5 reps at 145#
5 reps at 155#
5 reps at 165#
3 reps at 175#
3 reps at 185#
1 rep at 195#
1 rep at 205# (previous max from 4/08, failed push press)
1 rep at 205# (good)
1 rep at 210# (good, new max)
1 rep at 215# (almost, mother f 'er)
Again, CrossFit works! You don't have to specialize and work on a specific thing to get better at it. Work on everything, your overall general fitness and skill-sets, and you'll continue to get better at everything.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Earnest - The Patient Man

Like a lot of NFL journeymen, Earnest Graham had to go for broke to get his big break.
by Justin Heckert
He and his girlfriend move again and again, out of Tampa, beyond the infinite strip clubs and gas stations. They follow hotel signs that stretch high above the road, taking the cheapest deals they find. His first big pro paycheck—$25,000 from the Buccaneers—is long gone, and since he has been cut three times in his short career, the patient man, Earnest Graham, will live this way until his family has nothing to fall back on but the virtue of patience itself, nowhere to go but the two-bedroom apartment of a friend who's agreed to let them live there, with three other men, for free.
In these spring months of 2004, Graham drives his girlfriend, Alicia, and daughter, Aiyana to the beach, away from their problems. To Clearwater, where they sit, still as sand dollars. Sometimes he and Alicia don't say a word. They just watch the dwindling sunlight as Aiyana sleeps in her stroller.
The NFL is not a place for patient men. It's not a league anxious to give players their first big chance five years down the line. There are no guaranteed contracts, only 16 regular-season games for men who have something to prove.
Graham talks about this in June 2008, drinking a cream soda, his legs dangling from atop his pool table, while he watches his children swim outside his brand-new house in suburban Tampa. The 28-year-old running back is medium-size, stocky, with a cleanly shaved head and a pointy goatee. A short-sleeve tee exposes ink on his left forearm: "Struggle Builds Character."
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Lesson Learned
Thursday, August 7, 2008
"An Ode to America"
"We rarely get a chance to see another country's editorial about the USA.
This article was written on September 24, 2001. (I verified this on Snopes 8/6/2008) Once again, it takes someone from the outside of America to remind us about our inherent greatness as a nation in spite of our imperfections.
~An Ode to America~
Monday, August 4, 2008
Dustin Pedroia: "170 Pounds of Mouth"
As Boston's relentless agitator, Dustin Pedroia dishes out a never-ending stream of smack. Good thing he can back it up.
by Jeff Bradley
Although Pedroia keeps a straight face, Kevin Youkilis and Jason Varitek cannot. Cash just looks straight ahead and with a slight smile says, "That's fine by me, man."
There's not going to be any fistfight. Not even a shouting match (at least not a two-way shouting match). Pedroia has no real beef with Cash. His only problem right now is that it's quiet. And that's got to change. You've no doubt heard the expression "Manny being Manny." Well, this is Pedie being Pedie. He's a little loudmouth punk. And in a clubhouse full of superstars, he's also the guy who energizes the defending champs—with a never-ending stream of smack.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tyson Gay - One Story to Watch in the Beijing Olympics
In Beijing, Tyson Gay could be the man of the hour. But he never would have had the chance without three women.
by Luke Cyphers
Tyson Gay is the fastest sprinter in America. In 2007, he was the fastest on earth, winning the 100- and 200-meter events at the world championships in Osaka. In an event normally dominated by bluster and machismo, the soft-spoken Gay forgoes trash talking and listens to gospel music before races. He radiates calm, but his demeanor masks volcanic energy, which erupts in his furious forays down the track.
At the U.S. Olympic trials in Eugene, that energy both lifted and defeated him. He ran the 100 in a U.S.-record 9.77 seconds, easing up before the finish. The next day, he ran the fastest 100 in history, a wind-aided 9.68 to win the final, setting up a showdown in Beijing against the Jamaican duo of Usain Bolt (who stunned Gay in May by beating him with a world-record 9.72) and Asafa Powell (whose record Bolt shattered). Then, six days after his 100 triumph, Gay returned to the track for a quarterfinal heat of the 200. But 40 meters into that race his left hamstring seized, and Gay dropped to the Oregon track like a bag of flour, his hopes of competing in both sprints dashed. Nonetheless, Gay will take his place in the blocks for the 100 in Beijing, vying again for the title of fastest man on the planet, on the planet's biggest stage. When he does, it will not be an act of defiance, but of perseverance. It is a trait he acquired from the women he's always looked up to.
5x5 Back Squat
1x5x 265#
3x5x 275#
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Olympic Feeling
Sports is the only true "Reality TV" there is today. It's real drama, real ups and real downs. As Red Sox fans we know this all too well, anyway, good to be on the upside as of the past few years. Cubs fans... we'll see. But I digress a bit here. Sports aren't really the most wonderful thing to watch because your team wins, though a great feeling, there is so much more that sports have to offer on many human levels of emotion; pride, courage, sacrifice, despair, elation - just to name a few. Good or bad all these dramas we watch unfold in sports can and will be appreciated. It's funny, I sat down and started writing this, not expecting it to be all this rambling, as I fully admit, I'm not the best writer I will never claim to be, but all in all I hope you hear what I'm saying. What I wrote here stemmed from a Visa Gold commercial for the 2008 Olympics I have seen many times. For whatever reason the commercial popped into my mind and I wanted to share. The commercial I'm referring to is the one about Derek Redmond from the 1992 Summer Olympics. I'm sure a number of you have seen it, he is running the 400m and pulls up lame about half way through with a hamstring injury. And you know, I don't really need to say anymore about it. Watch and let it speak to you. See what you feel. If you feel nothing then I recommend getting that chest of yours examined to see if it's got any heart. I will admit that the first time I saw it, and gave it my full attention and allowed myself to be there, I got more than chills, my eyes definitely welled up with tears. I still get chills when I see it now. They're the same chills I get when I see the clip of the 1980 US Hockey team jumping around on the ice after defeating the USSR Hockey team, it's just tied to a different story with different emotions, but they all remain human.
This is the commercial. These are the reasons you and I should pay closer attention to the Olympics. Remember I admit I don't get into it so much anymore either. I'm right there with yah ;) I'm going to make more of an effort this time around.
This shows more of the race and interviews.
This one shows the race as broadcast and an interview with his father about 2min in. Watch this one to see the full interatction between Derek Redmond and his father. This camera is on Derek from start to finish.
Now for some impressive running. Here is my all-time favorite sprinter Michael Johnson and one reason why I'm not into the Olympics so much anymore. He isn't in them! I recommend youtubing more of Michael Johnson especially his 200m WR at the '96 Olympics.
Training Log
Sunday 7/27/08
1 mile run
5 Rounds
20 double unders
10 burpees
total time: 12:25
mile time: 5:56
Monday 7/28/08
3 rounds
21 kb swings 70#
15 ohs 95#
21 box jumps 20"
Tuesday 7/29/08
5 rounds
15 burpees
12 pullups
9 thrusters 135#
Saturday, July 26, 2008
"Body Weighted Total"

Thank you!
Training Log
Thursday 7/24/08
handstand pushups
box jump 24"
12-13min range, handstand pushups are feeling much stronger again, I didn't kip any of them for this wod. I'm thinking all these pushups I've been doing have really helped my overall push and press strength. Funny how that works.
Friday 7/25/08
Rest Day
Saturday 7/26/08
30 muscle ups for time
8:?? my pr is 7:30 from January
Brent pr'd his 30 for time with 5:34 or some ridiculous time like that, but what was much more impressive was that he continued on to 50 muscle ups in 10:18. Craziness!
During open gym Steve Blair, whom many of you know as Killah Steve, I personally like to think of him as "The Quiet Storm." Sounds lame, yes, until you're around him and see him in action. You may never hear him, maybe you won't even see him, but he'll roll through the gym and f you up good in any given WOD. Anyway, this bad mammajamma brought in a WOD for anyone who was there to try. It happened to be just Brent, Ryan, and I. The WOD was "Body Weighted Total" which operates the same way as "CrossFit Total" except it's the total weight of your max weighted pullup, weighted pushup, weighted ring dip and weighted pistol(1 leg squat). This was actually a lot of fun I had never done weighted pistols before and never saw how much extra weight I could dip up or pushup. Here are the results.
Brent w.pullup=93#(wicked impressive), w.pushup=80#, w.ring dip=75#, w.pistol=35#
Steve w.pullup=85#(failed at 93#, but almost), w.pushup=125#, w.ring dip=85#, w.pistol=35#
Ryan w.pullup=70#(failed at 85#), w.pushup=125#, w.ring dip=60.5#, w.pistol=90#(failed at 100#)
Greg w.pullup=70#(failed at 85#), w.pushup=135#, w.ring dip=85#, w.pistol=100#(failed at 110#)
Brent = 283#
Steve = 330#
Ryan = 345.5#
Greg = 390#
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Rap Update! Very Good Stuff My Friend
It's been a couple of weeks and I thought I would give you an update on my training and race progress. I have been continuing to hit new personal bests (PB) on my training rides. A few weeks ago, I mentioned the 30 mile ride that I did in 1:34:00. I was able to equal that time again last week. The following day, I rode a 24 mile course that I used to do in about 1:20:00 typically, with a 1:17:00 PB. I did that at 1:18:00 last week during my preparation for the Mt. Ascutney Hillclimb.
The Mt. Ascutney Hillclimb (Vermont) is exactly half of Mt. Washington, at 3.7 miles up. The grades are actually a bit steeper, averaging just over 12% with some 17-19% sections. Typical times for me in the past were 44-45 min for this climb. I was able to reach a PB of 42 min this past Saturday, even in the hot humid conditions! I am now more motivated to improve as that pace is only a few minutes off making a division at Mt. Washington called "Top Notch". The Top Notch division requires the rider to be capable of a time 1:20 or less for the climb and also allows you to start with the Pros!
Last night, I took off on my 24 mile course as I was worried about T-storms and decided to keep it short. I felt good and thought I should push for a PB. The result was great, hitting a 1:15:30, a minute and a half faster than my PB of 1:17:00.
And the best thing is I don't feel tired---I feel like I could go out tonight and ride hard again! Thanks to the workouts at the gym, I feel stronger every week and I am making progress instead of getting stuck on plateaus.
Thanks again for making me challenge myself and I'll see you at the gym!--Joe Rap
Training Log
Monday 7/21/08
5 rounds
5 clean and jerks(split) 185# jerks felt real strong, was a little surprised.
15 pullups (chest to bar)
15 pushups
5 ring dips
27:34 made this up late the night before. I liked it!
Tuesday 7/22/08
5 rounds
20 single arm squat snatches 25# DB
200m run
100 jump rope
don't know my time. I did 4 rounds focusing heavily on my left arm snatches where I struggle mightily! Dave helped me alot with just a couple pointers. Very appreciated, and well served, as the better I get at my weaknesses the better I can help the members, which is what it's all about :) Thanks Big Boy, I mean, Dave!
Wednesday 7/23/08
5x3 cleans
2x3x 185# felt very strong
3x3x 205# also felt very good
2min rest between sets
5x3 press
5x3x 125# real happy with this because about a month ago the last time we did the "total" my max press was 125# and was a big time struggle as it also was in April. In December it was at 145-150# so it looks like I'm heading back up there. Cool.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
What a Weekend of Beautiful Weather & Thunder Storms
Friday 7/18/08
100 ring pushups
30, 25, 20, 15, 10
Saturday 7/19/08
50 lunges
400 situps
300 pushups
200 box jumps
100 pullups
100 lunges
Team "Skins" named by Dave
Tom Beard, Chris Beard, Dawn A-B, Myself
Great showing, lots of fun!
Very sunny, very HOT!
Very nice!
open gym
5 rounds
5 deadlifts 275#
10 burpees
100 pushups
30, 30, 20, 20, 20
Sunday 7/20/08
4 rounds
15 thrusters 95#
1 rope climb
200m run
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Training Log
Monday 7/14/08
Round 1
12 strict pullups
10 ring dips
20 pushups on 5" handles
Round 2
7 strict pullups
10 ring dips
20 pushups
Round 3
10 strict pullups
12 ring dips
20 pushups
Round 4
7 strict pullups
5+2 ring dips
12 pushups
44 strict pullups, 39 ring dips, 72 pushups on 5" handles
Tuesday 7/15/08
30 snatches for time at 135#
9:50 worst time I've had, just took it one at a time, my pr is 7:20
Wednesday 7/16/08
Snatch Practice up to 155# successful, kept failing at 165#, went back to 155#, figured out what was wrong with my mechanics, next time I'm getting past 165#. My pr is 185# from 11/07. After snatch practice I did 100 pushups 40, 20, 20, 20 and then 50 ring dips
Thursday 7/17/08
5 rounds
15 push jerks 95#
15 pullups (chest to bar)
400m run
3x5 back squat at 245#
1x5 back squat at 255#
1x5 back squat at 265#
2 min rest between sets
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Smoothie/Recovery Shake Ingredients / Training Log for last 3 days.
16-20oz water
1-2 scoops URI International Vegetein powder. 1 scoop = 10g of protein (see below for description of Vegetein)
1 scoop URI International The Feast. (see below for description of The Feast)
1-2 organic bananas
1/2-1 bag frozen organic strawberries
4-7 organic dates (pitted)
1/4-1/2 cup organic, raw walnuts or almonds (soaked if possible for easier digestion)
1 1/2-2 handfuls baby spinach
40-60 grams raw unsweetened chocolate
this will make anywhere from 40-60oz of smoothie
add small amount of organic blue agave to smoothie if not sweet enough for you
between the vanilla tasty protein, the fruit, and dates it should be plenty sweet
other ingredient ideas:
1-2 handfuls carrots
1 apple, pare, or 1cup grapes, cherries or pineapple
instead of strawberries sub: raspberries, blackberries, blueberries (whatever you prefer) always organic if you will spend the extra money
raw unsalted sunflower seeds are a less expensive option over the walnuts and almonds
seeds, nuts, and raw chocolate are great sources of good fats, and protein.
greens and fruits are great sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants the body needs to promote optimal function and energy for your day/wods. (they also add some protein)
URI International Vegetein product description:
Vegetein combines two of the finest vegetable protein sources. The multi-protein blend contains yellow pea protein isolate and brown rice protein concentrate, which is a highly digestible vegetable protein source.It's 100% natural vegetable protein. It contains no isolated vitamins or minerals. Vegetein provides a complete balanced amino acid profile.
URI International Feast product description:
30 antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables
30 power greens and vegetables
11 nutrient dense seeds, nuts and sprouts
83+ active enzymes and mineral blends
22 living probiotics (good for digestive track)
6 supercharged berries, seeds and leaves
just ideas for anyone interested :)
Training Log
Friday 7/11/08
100 pushups on 5" handles for extra range of motion
20 strict pullups
10 ring dips
5 strict pullups
15 ring dips
10 strict pullups
10 ring dips
did not time
Saturday 7/12/08
800m run
100m farmers walk with 2 65# dumbells
50 wall ball 20#/10'
50 lunges
25 knees to elbows
25 broad jumps
15 knees to elbows
25 broad jumps
10 knees to elbows
did not time
tabata pushups
14,10,9,7,6,6,6,6 +1 after time
5 Rounds
10 double kb jerks 53#
10 pullups (chest to bar)
Sunday 7/13/08
Wishing a happy birthday to the NSC 6am big guy, Joe Ciaccio!
212 pushups on 5" handles
did not time
Videos from Sunday mornings NSC WOD:
Tabata Kettlebell Swings
As Many Rounds in 15 mins: 200m run + 25 squats
Let the 15 mins begin....
Tabata Kettlebell Swings Revisited
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Deadlifts are SEXY!
I saw some good work on deadlifts today in the NSC WOD. The deadlift is my overall favorite strength building lift to coach, and watch people transform it into the gorgeous lift that it can be. When done correctly it has a beautiful rhythym and is down right SEXY! When done not so well it can make one cringe, as it will look hideous because you are at risk for serious injury. It's best to get it right and look sexy, rather than go heavy and f. up your day/week/month.
6am Class' Deadlifts
6am Ladies' Deadlifts
9am Ladies' Deadlifts
Very nice! Keep up the hard work. Perfection of the deadlift movement is in your sights.
Training Log
Thursday 7/10/08
As payback on Brent, I made up this WOD today that he and I did.
3 Rounds
3 squat snatches 135#
15 box jumps 24"
5 deadlifts 315#
20 wall ball 20#/10' target
10 overhead lunges 135#
30 double unders
after completion of all three rounds 800m run
34:48 ran my 800m in under 3 mins. Probably haven 't done that since high school.
The Deadlift from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Just a Training Log entry today. I'm a busy guy as of late. Ps I love this hot freakin' weather!
Training Log
Tuesday 7/8/08
400m run
21 kb swings 53#
21 thrusters 95#
21 pullups
400m run
15 kb swings
15 thrusters
15 pullups
400m run
9 kb swings
9 thrusters
9 pullups
Wednesday 7/9/08
thanks to Brent for making this one up
5 Rounds
5 front squats at 155#, I did 185# cause I wanted to do a 5x5 front squat today
5 muscle ups with 2 extra dips per muscle up (great f'n idea Brent! Yah PRICK!!)
5 kb jerks L/R 72#
should have done more weight on my front squats 205#?
so right after the workout I loaded more on and did:
5 reps at 205#
5 reps at 225#
5 reps at 245#(struggled big time for rep number 5)
3 mins rest between sets
glad I didn't do the math before the workout, but all in all it wound up being 25 muscle ups with 50 extra dips(plus I got over-ambitious in the 3rd round and wound up doing two extra muscle ups and 1 extra dip because I failed to complete the full rep of one muscle up immediately followed by two dips, on two separate occasions), and 50 kb jerks on top of the 25 front squats not counting my extra sets. We are stupid! But it feels good, haha.
Also for at least a week now I have been doing anywhere between 100-200 pushups a day, as they are a glaring weakness in my body weight movements, when it comes to high reps. Form isn't the issue it's the strength endurance. So lots of good reps everyday to try and fix that. So far it seems to be working.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
It's Good to be Back
Skill: handstand walks on the wall during 6am class
7am class hittin' the WOD
So.... No more diet log! Every now and again there may be a training log, but no diet log. I'm happy to report that I am EATING again! Eggs, nuts, MEAT, and smoothies with raw chocolate. It's all back in the diet and it's never felt better. During a doctors office visit last Friday, I was brought to an important recognition as to what the root of the condition was that had taken form in my body. The doctor wanted me to take a look at the emotional/mental state of my being, and see when and how that may have affected my physical state. He also said I should eat as I please, as long as it is real food, meaning it is found and grows in nature. Eat something and see how it reacts with you, he simply put it. Most important is that I enjoy what I eat, don't deprive myself, and eat in a calm, clear emotional state.
The inward journey is never truly over in life as we will always strive to better know ourselves and let others close to our lives benefit from the best things we discover about our deepest being. From looking inward I had recognized that I had so much in my life to be happy about, like my career, my friends and my family, and I had known this for a long time. But instead of enjoying it all, I had felt guilty about having so much. I was questioning my own self-worth. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to share such personal information with whoever reads this because it is me and I am not ashamed of who I am. We can all grow from recognizing our weaknesses so don't hide them. Reveal them and deal with them head on.
Since I already appreciate everything I have, the part I have to retrain is telling myself it is OK to enjoy it all. Now I am enjoying ALL of it to my fullest capabilities. I am in control of my life again. It will not be something that is very difficult for me to maintain. As I said, I have great friends, family and therefore support in my life. None of us are ever fully alone in this world. That is not a religious statement, but everyone needs to realize that there is divinity and light in every one of us. I could go on and on, as I love to philosophize. The point of all this is that there is great healing power in dealing with the emotional, mental and even spiritual areas of your life. My physical weakness is clearly my digestive system. That has been apparent for most of my life and it all came to a head when I was 17 and has flickered in and out since then. As my mental and emotional being suffer my physical weaknesses are the symptoms of the much deeper issue, that I must recognize and confront. That has been true with each case of colitis in my life. Be real with yourself and you will find things you do and don't like, but most important you will ultimately gain great respect for yourself for being true to you.
Anyway.... I'm good. So let's eat, drink and be merry! It's a celebration bitches. Enjoy yourself. Sorry, for those who don't know, I had to quote Chappelle's Show.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Update from Rap-Dog
I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks as I have been tied up at horse shows. I have been continuing working on getting my times down and have been able to make some progress.
After our workout on Saturday, June 14, I took a long bike ride. Few people knew it, but it was my 50th birthday, so I guess I am now officially on the downhill (not!). Since it was my 50th, I decided to stretch my ride out to 50 miles. I felt good and the weather wasn't too hot, so I pushed on and completed the 50 miles in 2 hrs and 45 min. While not a blistering pace, I was still able to maintain just over 18 mph average for the ride. I really believe the running we are incorporating into the workouts helps with stamina.
This week, I decided to try to pass my personal best (PB) on a 30 mile loop that I ride near my home. This ride has a few challenging hills and a lot of rollers, so I need to work hard the entire ride to take out any time. My best time ever was 1:38:00 for this course, which is about 18.4 mph. My typical training times over the same course all last year hovered between 1:40:00 and 1:43:00. Last Tuesday, I was able to drop this to 1:36:00, which I thought was a good result.
Last night I thought I would really try to open it up and ride hard and push the pace on every hill. As a result, I improved my time further to 1:34:00, which was four minutes faster than my old PB at an average speed of over 19 mph and 2 minutes faster than last week.
I really am happy with these results and attribute this improvement to the strength conditioning that Crossfit offers. Core strength is vital to climbing efficiently and I can now climb longer and harder with less fatigue than in past seasons. I still am amazed that I have almost zero back pain and am able to recover very quickly after these hard efforts. I have never been able to drop times this quickly from week to week and always got stuck on plateaus that seemed to go on forever. While I still need lots of improvement, I feel confident that I have a more focused path on getting to the next level.
Thanks for your advice, support and making me work hard at the gym--it really pays off!--Joe Rap
Thursday, June 26, 2008
CrossFit Total
Thursday 6/26/08
1 scoop primal defense
2 bananas, 1 pear
Big bowl of grapes
CrossFit Total
Back Squat 305# same as 4/3/08. in 12/07 it was 355# and in 7/07 it was 365#
Press 125# same as 4/3/08. in 12/07 it was 145#
Deadlift 405# could have done 10# more. on 4/3/08 it was 455#. 12/07 - 500# 7/07 - 525#
body weight today 154. bw in Dec. approx 171-174, bw summer '07 approx 175-180
This is pretty much what I expected today. I was happy with my back squat not going down, and same with my press, but even though I knew my deadlift would be down I didn't think it would be down that much. I also want to point out that while my weights have continued to go down from a year ago, my WOD times have gotten significantly better along with my skill sets. I notice this in all of you. As your skill sets get better your WOD times and weights have increased tremendously. Be very happy about that and also realize that even as you continue to get better, as you have had more time training, you are not going to PR every time. Don't be discouraged with your weights going down on some of your lifts from time to time. I have pr'd only one lift since December '07 and half of my lifts since the Summer of '07. The one lift was my clean and I had been trying to go from 245# to 255# from April '07 and finally got it in March '08. The main point here is that I have pr'd plenty of WODs in the meantime. I am definitely a better crossfitter (meaning my fitness and skill level is much higher) now, than when I was pulling those ridiculous heavy lifts. You are all impressing the hell out of me with the jumps you are all making in your WOD times. I am extatic in seeing your progression. The most important thing for everyone to remember is where we all started when we came in for the first time, and how amazing we all feel now. It doesn't matter what the scale says or what your license says. You are all younger today than when you started and look fan-friggintastic!
2 pears, bowl of grapes
1 scoop primal defense
14oz juiced celery, apple, little bit grape
Few bowls of steamed acorn squash and carrots
14oz juiced lettuce, carrots, peppers, celery
In all my research I have done to find the best way for me to rid my body of colitis, one thing has been very consistent. Along with lots of rest physically and mentally, exercise is very good, especially for handling stress. But it also says it is best not to exercise to the point of exhaustion, while my immune system is working so diligently to beat this disease. This makes sense to me, so I have decided that I will be doing less metcons, and when I do a metcon it will not be all out balls to the wall, it will probably be closer to an 80% effort on intensity. I will, however, continue to work hard on bettering my skills in weightlifting and gymnastics, while also working to keep my strength up to the best of my ability. Most important I will be working all these areas, to continue my growth in being a better coach all the time, for all of you.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Symptoms Appearing to be Better!
Wednesday 6/25/08
Pear, banana
Snatch practice
1x3 squat snatches, with 3 ohs per rep 95#
1x3 115# same routine
1x3 125# " "
1x3 135# " "
(man, I had nothing in me today. surprised I got that much weight up. as you can see though I hadn't eaten much of anything all day prior. not that I'm eating a ton normally.)
Clean practice up to 155#
100 pushups in I think under 7 mins. didn't have a seconds hand.
1 apple, 2 cups grapes
10oz juiced celery and grape
14oz juiced carrots, apple, celery
2 bowls of steamed sweet potato, 1 bowl seedless cucumbers